January 2025 update: Welcome to the new year!


January 2025 update: Welcome to the new year!


Welcome to the new year! Did you know that 2025 is 452? and thats super rare! The last perfect square was 1936, and the next one is 2116.

In this special year, herbalmart.sg by Ping Min Medical Hall celebrates its 70th anniversary since its founding in 1955. (Read Our Grandfather's story here) Through the years, we are so blessed to have you in this journey. As the journey continues to unfold, you can look forward to more stories of the tears and joy, together with more promotions! 

This January, you can look forward to: 

  1. Updates on herbalmart.sg
  2. New products available
  3. CNY promotions!!

1. Updates on herbalmart.sg

We are proud to be launching our monthly newsletter via email, it will contain the stories collected over the 70 years, interesting health tips, fun (maybe random) facts about Chinese Medicine and of course... everything that is in our monthly update! There is only more, so stay updated by signing up at the bottom of the page!

herbalmart.sg is launchinging monthly newsletters

This month we focused on improving the information provided on Nature's Green 绿叶 products, ensuring that it contains the product benefits (and some might contain the directions and ingredients) 

More product information for all Nature's Green items!


2. New products available

We are always updating our catalog, this month, these products has been added to our product catalog: 

  • Wind Lock Oil (Pocket Size) 活络油 Heavenly Health 天力 (Because many of you feedback that the original size is too bulky to bring around)
  • Sheng Mai Yin Oral Liquid 10ml x 10 bottles Jin Pai Trademark 生脉饮口服液党参方 金牌商标
  • Sheng Mai Yin 10ml x 6 vials Tai Ji 生脉饮 太极
  • Shui Hong Hua Zi  Prince's Feather Fruit 水红花籽 Chinese Herbs Medicine TCM | 100G
  • Bee Apitherapy 蜂疗 of all brands

3. New promotions

This Chinese New Year, celebrate the gift of Good Health! For limited time only, you can get these items to combat the heaty food, and stay energised! 

CNY 2025 main banner


Stay updated when you sign up for herbalmart.sg Newsletter ~
