Wind Lock Oil Plaster (活络油膏药布) by Heavenly Health – Pain Relief for Muscles & Joints


Our Products

Wind Lock Oil Plaster 活络油膏药布 Heavenly Health 天力

  • $5.00
Brand: Heavenly Health 天力
Quantity:  5s
Type:  Plaster 膏药贴
Benefits:  Joint pain, lumbago, back and leg pain and rheumatism 关节瘀痛,腰背及脚酸痛,风湿
Usage:  Place plaster on the affected area or follow doctor's order 贴患处或遵医嘱
Side Effects:  No known side effects
Contraindications::  Unknown
使用注意事项 Precautions :  Unknown
1) It is not indicated for use on injured skin or dermatosis 皮肤表面伤及皮肤病者,请忌用.
2) It is not indicated for use during pregnancy 孕妇忌用.
3) Occasional allergic skin reactions may occur. Discontinue usage if any skin irritation occurs 遇见过过敏反应,用药后皮肤过敏者应停止使用.
4) Avoid prolonged use or large surface area use 本品不宜长期或大面积使用.

Other Information: Packed in Singapore 新加坡制造

Delivery Time: We are able to send this product out within 1-2 working days. Information

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The content on and the information is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition.

For personalised treatment, advice and doubts, please consult our registered TCM physician or your trusted TCM Physician.

Product Tags
Product Tags: Heavenly Health 天力,Plaster, 膏药贴, Patch, Medicated Patch, 风湿, 药布, 膏药布,

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